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A Contest and a Market… and Guest Blogger Wednesday Returns…

Hi Everyone,

I thought I’d share these two links with you…many of you told me you enjoy ideas for potential markets and contests-

sThe first one is from Writer Magazine and it’s their essay contest. First prize is $1,000, Second Prize, $500 and Third Place prize is $250. There is a $25 entry fee. Check out all the prizes and rules at

And Chicken Soup has three topics that have a February 28th deadline which include, angels, stepping outside your comfort zone, miracles, and finally, positive thinking

Good luck everyone and I’d love to hear if you have any success with markets or contests I list and showcase your work here at This Writer’s Life.

And finally, I’m opening up the Wednesday Guest Blogger spots again. If you’d like to take part here’s the sign up form Things kick off on February 1st.

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