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A Mid NaNoWriMo Pep Talk

Taking part in NaNoWriMo?

Been writing every day?


You’re now over the half way point.

As we don’t have a guest blogger today, I thought I’d take this space to give you a mid NaNoWriMo pep talk to help you make it across the finish line.

Just think how proud you’re going to feel when December 1st rolls around.

You set a goal, you stayed with it, you achieved it.

Do you feel like you did fine the first two weeks but now you’re not sure you can keep the pace?

Write something every day, even if it’s less than the previous two weeks. My take on this challenge is it’s all about writing.

Yes, I know the goal is to reach 50,000 words, but anything that makes you get into the habit of writing is a great thing too.

They say it takes 30 days to form a habit and after that it’s like being on cruise control. Use these 30 days to do just that.

Lost the plot…don’t worry because you can always skip ahead. Write whatever comes into your head. NaNoWriMo is for first drafts not perfect first drafts…that comes later.

Not sure you even like the story or if it’s the one you want to write right now?

It’s not cheating if you switch to another story or even write a whole bunch of short ones.

I’m here cheering you on to the finish line. I know you can do this!

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