Hello fellow authors.
Yes, it’s been a long time since I posted a blog on this site. I’ve been busy with projects and I’ve been doing lots of summer reading.
Which brings me to one of the topics for this post.
I’m thinking about adding book reviews. Not just a regular book review but one from the viewpoint of someone who teaches writing and mentors aspiring authors.
Reviews from my perspective of why I enjoyed the book and what worked. The X factor that kept me reading past the first chapter. It will be part review and part writing lesson.
So, what do you think, is this something you’d like to see here on This Writer’s Life?
The second topic…
I’m putting together my list of classes for 2024. I’d love to offer something new, something different.
I’d love to hear your ideas?
If you could enroll in any writing class what would it be?
I’d love your feedback and suggestions so feel free to leave a comment or you can contact me directly at writerslifeblog@gmail.com.
I hope your summer (or winter) has been fun.
Take care, and happy writing to you all.