A first draft is all about just getting the story written. The second and even third draft is all about editing, refining and polishing your
Category: Writing Tips
Monday Writing Wisdom-Narrow it Down
Most beginning short story writers make the same mistake…they pick a plot that’s better suited to a novel. Narrow it down, zoom in and then
Monday Writing Wisdom-Don’t Worry About that First Draft
When you write your first draft, keep going, don’t think about edits, don’t worry about the wrong word, the poor spelling, grammar that stinks…just sit
Monday Writing Wisdom-Write with all Five Senses
Immerse yourself in each scene that you write. See, hear, taste, feel…take your writing to a whole new level.
Monday Writing Wisdom-Edit, Edit, Edit
Don’t worry if you have to do three edits even more. The main goal is to exclude anything that isn’t necessary.
Wednesday Guest Author-Weaving Life Passions with Romance Writing with Gayle M. Irwin
It’s Wednesday so it’s time for another guest author and please welcome back Gayle M. Irwin to This Writer’s Life…. Dogs. Cats. Horses and sheep,
Monday Writing Wisdom-Get It Done
Don’t talk about writing…just do it!
Wednesday Guest Author-Helen Henderson
It’s Wednesday, welcome to May and say hello to the first guest author of the month, Helen Henderson… This Writer’s Life-(TWL)-Welcome to the Wednesday blog,
How to Take the First Step to Being a Romance Writer…
Many of us dream about doing something in our lives but few actually do something about it. I always tell my students they’ve taken that
Monday Writing Wisdom-A Lifetime of Memories
This week try something new. Write a short story based on a memory from childhood.