I’m way behind with my posts this week. I’m juggling lots of projects and that got me thinking about what happens to our writing when we have too much stuff going on it our lives.
I’ll be honest, I intended to start a new novella on Monday and it didn’t happen.
Anyone else in the same situation?
The one thing I do is make it a priority. I now have it as number one on my list of things to do on Friday.
Write it down, look at it before you go to bed and then when you get up in the morning.
Ask yourself what’s going to happen if it doesn’t get done?
For me, it’s a lost opportunity and I hate to let one of those pass me by.
Writing takes time, and energy and sometimes posting to two different sites can be a drain on both of those things. This week I’ve been thinking about changing over to a podcast format. What do you think, This Writer’s Life once a week podcast with industry news and guests like editors, agents, and your fellow writers?
I’d love to hear if you’d prefer to listen to these posts rather than read them? Or if you just simply like podcasts. Are they your favorite way to get information these days? You can reach me at writerslifeblog@gmail.com
One of the things I’ve been getting ready for is taking part in a sale that begins tomorrow. Many people have gotten together and contributed to a toolkit you can buy. There are lots of goodies in there, not all writing related, but my product is my self publishing tool kit. If you’re thinking about self pubbing or are a self publisher, I think you’ll find it useful.
The sale begins tomorrow so as soon as I get the link and it’s officially open, I’ll share it with you.
‘See’ you again tomorrow.