I thought I’d go with a different type of post for this one. When I was starting out as both an author and freelance writer I was always looking for markets and contests to enter so I thought I’d share this with you.
Here are details of markets and contests I’ve recently been sent information about and the others are ones I’ve found snooping around online-
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Chicken Soup for the Soul is always looking for stories for various books they’ll be publishing and here’s a list of their current topics-
Life Lessons from My Cat
Life Lessons from My Dog
More Messages from Heaven
Stories about Angels
Stories about Miracles
Stories about My Mom
Golden Years – Life After 60
To submit your story check out this site http://www.chickensoup.com/story-submissions/possible-book-topics
I’ve been published in this publication and also was a runner up in their contest and they have another one with a deadline that’s approaching. If you write for children this is an ideal market and/or contest-
First Novels
Are you writing your first novel? Check out this UK based contest (there is an entry fee)
List Makers Wanted
If lists are your thing then Cracked is the market for you-
Slogan Writer Market
If you love writing witty, catchy slogan then this button and magnet company might be the ideal market for you