The June workshop concluded today which means I have a two month break to get caught up on the books I plan to self publish in September. I also hope to get some serious reading done too. Remember I’ve set myself the goal of reading twenty books between now and September.
The weather’s been perfect and starting next week, I’ve decided to take my work outside even if it’s just for a few hours each day. When you live in a region where summer’s over in a blink of an eye and before you know it, it’s cold and snowing again, you have to take advantage of warm weather.
I’m about 35,000 words into my WIP. I hope to get the first draft finished this weekend and everything polished by the end of next week.
My next release is this Thursday July 2nd. It’s the eighth book in the Kalispell Shifter series. I was hoping to have the cover to share with you during this Rambling but I haven’t received it yet.
I’m still running the name the cowbear contest so if you, or anyone you know, can think of a great name for the half cowboy, half black bear, be sure to enter.
I’m making this rambling brief because I hope to get two hours of fiction writing in before I call it a day and settle down to watch something on Netflix.
Enjoy the first full weekend of summer and happy writing.