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Friday Ramblings From An Author-Almost Spring

Lighter evenings, darker mornings and spring is just around the corner.

I’m not sure if it was due to the hour we lost last weekend, but I’ve been trying to play catch up all week long. Although I did get a lot of writing completed.

I finished my shifter story and off to Evernight. I just completed the blurb for it and sent them the details for the cover art. I think it will probably be released in May or June.

I finished the first draft of my How to Write a Synopsis e-book. And I continued working on my cookbook.

Tomorrow I’m blogging at Coffeetime Romance if anyone wants to drop by and say hi. My topic is, writing a synopsis. It’s been a topic stuck in my head this week so thought I might as well use it for the blog.

I even started working on my next story, and once I’ve finished writing this post, I’m going to start another one that popped into my head about an hour ago.

Anyone based in the UK going to the London Book Fair? I read an article about it in this month’s Writing Magazine and it looks like lots of fun and plenty of things to do if you’re a self-publisher. If anyone goes and would like to blog about here on This Writer’s Life, let me know.

Happy writing, Happy St. Patrick’s Day, and have a good weekend.

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