The last Rambling of the month. And yes, I always say it but January seemed to fly by. The first workshop of the year is history. Monday starts a new month and two more workshops. The writing a continuing series class, and the writing a romance novel, a mini course. As always, if you or someone you know might be interested in one or both topics, check out the teaching schedule page. I’d love for you to join us. Right now the numbers look good for the continuing series workshop, but we only have a handful of people for the romance writing mini course so help spread the word because I hate it when they get canceled.
Speaking of how to write a romance novel, I finally got the mini guide I’d been working on finished and even got it uploaded to Amazon this afternoon. Here’s a look at the cover.
Once I get done with this Ramblings, I’ll be uploading it to B and N, Kobo and Smashwords too.
I have another writing how to, to tackle next week. After that I’ll be working on the 2nd edition of the main How to Write a Romance Novel book. I’m hoping to publish it in both ebook and print formats.
Fiction wise, I’m working on another cowboy story for my Big Sky County series and plan to start work on my new shifter series sometime next week.
Have a good week and happy writing to all.