The calendar says May but today it feels more like April again. Not sure what’s going on with the weather these days but maybe that’s the start of a good story.
And speaking of good stories, if you have one to submit and frustrated that lots of the big publishing houses require you to have an agent, June might be lucky for you.
In this month’s issue of Writer’s News they had an article about publishing house Jonathan Cape opening its doors to unagented submissions from June 1-30th. You can send them the first 50 pages via e-mail. I have a mystery that I have about 75% completed and I’m tempted to submit it.
If anyone else is interested in submitting something, here’s the link and good luck
I was hoping to have my book cover for next week’s release to share with you today, but I haven’t received it yet. I did finish my first story in my new series. All the stories will be set in the make believe place of Big Sky County.
Next up for me is a new Perfect Pairing story and I’m also going to try working on a mystery at the same time. Since I took part in last year’s NaNoWriMo, writing two or more stories at once has worked in my favor, so fingers crossed.
Happy writing and have a good week.