Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Countdown to the Virtual Writing Retreat


hume-lake-798064_640An earlier than normal Ramblings from me. I’m in the middle of reformatting a back title and getting it done is on today’s must do list. Another project is I’m putting the final touches on the virtual writing retreat. Session one begins on Tuesday.  We only have a handful of people registered. I know it’s a tough time for lots of people, but if you could help spread the word, I’d appreciate it. I’d hoped we’d have a large group so it would be lots of fun…just like going to a physical retreat. I even planned for a virtual party every Friday. While I can’t provide the beach, drinks and snacks, I hope I can provide you with information and tips to get you started on your writing journey or even help you finish your book. The first session runs until June 30th and will focus on the following-

Setting goals, getting motivated, setting a writing schedule.

Picking the right genre for you and generating ideas.

Outlining and plotting your story.

Building conflict in your story

Working on creating characters that are perfect for your plot

If that sounds like something you or someone you know need to key in on, then here’s the link to sign up-

All the lessons are delivered to your e-mail so you can read them, do assignments, ask questions, whatever, whenever it’s convenient for you.

Hope to ‘see’ some of you on Tuesday morning.

Thank you to Dee for that great post about POV. Such an important topic for writers.

And thank you to everyone who signed up to follow TWL.

This weekend, I’ll be putting together my summer reading list. What are you currently reading? Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?

Have a fun weekend and happy writing to all.

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