I didn’t get time to post a Friday Rambling last week because things were hectic. The area where I live got hit by a hail storm. Luckily the electricity and Internet stayed intact because there’s nothing worse for a writer than not being able to use their computer to write or see to write when it gets dark. Yes, there’s pen and paper and candles but I guess I’m spoiled with modern conveniences now.
Looks like there will be lots of repair jobs going on in the neighborhood so my now tranquil writing nook might not be the same for awhile. When I started writing my late father made a sign for my door saying Do Not Disturb-Writer At Work. I might have to pull it out again.
I’ve been delaying posting today hoping to share the book cover for my next release which is Monday, but haven’t received it yet. I will however post it here as soon as I do.
It’s for the fifth book in my Perfect Pairing series called Seeing Forever.
After that it’s another Romance on the Go title, called Dreaming which is released September 11th, and then the first in a cowboy trilogy-Love Cowboy style, the first story is called Courted By A Cowboy and is released October 3rd.
Today I submitted the second in the trilogy and it’s called Breakfast With A Cowboy. The idea for that one came from a travel article I was reading about a cross country train ride.
Summer’s drawing to a close and it’s time to start thinking about fall projects. Halloween isn’t that far away and it has me thinking about writing a paranormal story. Not sure if it will be another vampire one or even something featuring wolves.
Happy writing and have a good weekend.