I said I was going to take some time off and yes, I have but I’ve also been working too. I told you I’m hopeless at this sort of thing. I’ve been working on updating my website and writing one of the new books I hope to publish next year. I’ve also watched movies, curled up next to the fire and read too so all is not lost.
How was your 2017? I feel I got a lot done and I hope you do too. Don’t focus so much on what you didn’t do but what you did. Is writing a book in your future for 2018? It was on my to do list what seems like many, many years ago now. If it’s on your list, I say go for it (also let me know how I can help that dream become reality). If there’s one thing I’ve realized this year it’s always follow your heart and never your head.
Speaking of aspiring writers, I’d like to thank everyone who took one of my workshops and to my private students. Virtual hugs to all of you and here’s wishing you all the best for 2018. You know I’m your biggest cheerleader and I sense there are some publishing contracts coming your way soon.
Virtual hugs to Lucy who inspired me to get up off my butt and start exercising again. I feel better for it which makes me a happier writer. And to Amber, my new mentor. Thank you for allowing me to be part of such a wonderful group of fellow creatives.
And of course, to all of you who have decided to follow the blog and stopped by This Writer’s Life every week. Thank you and I promise you bigger and better things in 2018…lots of ideas spinning around in my head so stay tuned.
Stay warm too, if like me you’re going to be spending this holiday weekend in a place where it’s snowing and below zero!
Take care and happy writing to all…. sending you my best wishes for a happy 2018.