Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Fall Preview

It’s been more like fall than the last few weeks of summer and I’ve discovered although I don’t like cold weather, it’s one and only plus is I seem to get more writing done when the temperature dips. I’m working on the second draft of my Christmas themed shifter story, and fingers crossed, I’ll have it done in the next few days.

I received my cover for my October 24th release Under The Master, that will be published by Forever More Publishing and here’s a look-


I also completed my edits for it too.

Next release is Wednesday and the seventh story in the Perfect Pairing series. I haven’t got the cover yet but I’ll share that with you next week.

The Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo is now half way done. I’m gathering resources for everyone in the class so if you know of anything like a Website or an app that can help writers during the challenge, let me know and I’d love to pass along the info to the workshop participants.

Next month I’m teaching two workshops, the ever popular synopsis writing class, and also this year’s new Are We There Yet? all about putting the final polish on your story before you submit it. In November it’s two webinars and that’s it for this year (which seems to be flying by now).

Have a good week and happy writing.

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