Yesterday I got my first story of 2016 completed and to my publisher. Yes, I’d started it last year, but I think it still counts as the first completed one of the year.
So now it’s on to working on my new shifter series that I’ll be self-publishing. I excited about it and hope to release a book every other month. I’ll also be working on a couple of other projects too. And yes, I’ll be finally getting around to working on the updated version of my How to Write a Romance Novel.
Today I’ve been working on edits for my next release which should be later this month. It will be another book in my Big Sky County series and a trip back to the Seventies for this one.
A new workshop also got underway. First and only time I’m teaching it so once it’s done I’ll probably turn it into an e-book. I’m also getting closer to hopefully setting up a site where I can offer my own workshops and offer coaching services. I’ve found a couple of helpful resources and platforms now it’s just a case of which will work best.
This weekend will definitely be one spent indoors by the fire reading or writing as the temperature is going to take a huge dive. I think the words polar vortex were mentioned in the forecast.
Have a good week and happy writing to all.