I didn’t have this in time for last week’s Ramblings so here’s the cover of my latest book, The Taylor Ranch-Cade-
My next release will be two weeks from today on October 24th and is Under The Master which is currently in pre-order status. Then after that it’s Alex, book three in the Big Sky County, and that’s a November 6th release.
December should be filled with book four in the Kalispell Shifters series, and fingers crossed that they make it to a December releases, two books with Christmas themes.
Currently I’m working on an historical for the Big Sky County series and also trying to finish my cookbook in time for a pre-holiday release. I decided to add one more chapter and hopefully can stay focused till I get to the finish line.
This week I stumbled across lots of useful sites and services for authors so I’m planning to feature them here and hopefully interview the folks behind the sites…stay tuned!
Speaking of helpful sites, as most of you know I’ve used Bookbaby for two of my books and get their e-mail newsletter which often has some interesting articles. I thought I’d share a link to this one. Perfect reading if you’re getting ready for NaNoWriMo-
And do any of your write flash fiction? If so The Writer’s Bureau in the UK is currently looking for entries. You can get more info on their site-
Have a good week and happy writing.