Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Goodbye September

Another month draws to a close and days are getting shorter which means it will soon be time for NaNoWriMo. Who’s taking part in this year’s challenge? I’m teaching a class on the topic (which begins on Monday). I’ve also decided I’m going to tackle it. I know I’ll be working on other stories so I’ll be using it as a way to finally get a mystery story at least started. (Next November I’ll be teaching three workshops so it’s doubtful I’ll have time for the challenge which convinced me to give it a try this time around).

I’ll be blogging each day in November with tips and updates about how I’m doing with the mystery story.

I published the last of my September releases yesterday and here’s the cover-


My next release will probably be around mid-October and a revamped older title.  The second October release will (hopefully) be my new cowboy story which I’m aiming to get finished over the weekend.

In fact, this week I sat down and worked out all release dates through the end of the year. I’m probably pushing things but I’ll see how things work out.

Have a fun week and happy writing to all.


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