Almost the end of October. Classes end today and two boot camps kick off on Monday. My first time teaching two boot camps in one month. It will also be the last time I’ll be teaching classes in their current format. So, if you want to learn how to plot a novel or write a synopsis, here’s the link and feel free to share it with others too.
I have lots of plans for the new direction I’ll be teaching beginning in 2021. Some will include half day and one day classes taught via Zoom for various chapters of RWA. Others will be self paced ones on my own site and this site too…and lots of changes are in the works for TWL. I’ll be telling you more about all this in the coming weeks.
I do have three new classes Plotting a Novel, Writing a Short Story and Ghostwriting for Beginners, over at Skillshare and I’ll give you those links next week.
I finished my WIP yesterday. Now I’m going to let it sit for a few days and on Monday, will give it a read through before it goes out for editing. I’m still planning on a Black Friday release for it.
Tomorrow is Halloween and I always think after that’s over, the rest of the year flies by.
For those of you taking part in NaNoWriMo, good luck. I know you can do it. If I can help you in any way, you’re welcome to e-mail me…I do have some classes over at Skillshare on the topic too.
Thank you to Jill for being this week’s guest blogger and to everyone who signed up to follow TWL.
Have a fun week and happy writing to all.