Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-It’s The First of March

March already and almost spring which has me looking forward to doing some writing outside. There’s nothing like a change in venue and temperature to spark creativity. In our yard we have what I call the potting shed. The previous owner built it and left a whole bunch of gardening stuff in there, and yes, even an old black and white TV. It’s purple and green and has a tower like structure on one end and one of its windows overlooks the woods at the back of our property. Anyone who steps into our backyard is immediately drawn to it and of course being a true writer I come up some fake story about it. Given its magical appearance, my favorite one is that Harry Potter once lived there. It still houses gardening equipment but I’ve always wanted to turn it into my writing nook. A place to head during three seasons of the year so I can have a change in venue and scenery. I don’t know why but this year I’m determined to make it happen. Of course where things like shovels and the lawnmower are going be moved to is another story but stay turned!

This week I signed up to take a copyediting course. I thought it’s a skill all writers should have so think it will be money well spent.

Right now I’m putting together the outline for the free seminar I’m offering for Coffeetime Romance about writing romances. If you’re interested, check back here because I should have the exact dates any time now.

I heard today that Cobblestone Press has moved back the release dates of my two next installments in the Big Bad Bosses trilogy. The Vampire’s Seduction will now be released on May 15th and The Hamilton Men on July 15th.

I also got some tentative release dates for three of my releases at Evernight. Maybe This Time March 20th,  Matters of the Heart, Perfect Pairing book four, April 11th, and Letting Go, May 2nd.

While I’ve been working on my current WIP I’ve thought about characters and how most of the time they influence plots and in a way dictate them. The two characters I created for this new story seem to be driving the plot. In one way it’s been a challenge, but in another the ideal writing exercise, and a new way of approaching a story. Anyone else had a similar experience?

Have a good weekend and happy writing.

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