Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Last One In July

Don’t know about you, but I can’t believe tomorrow is August 1st. At least I did get some things crossed off my to do list but not as many as I’d planned. I only wish winter would go by as quickly as summer always seems to.

My 7th book in my Big Sky County series was released yesterday. I didn’t have the cover during last week’s Ramblings so here it is-


I completed the first draft of my next Kalispell Shifters book and hopefully I’ll get it completed by next weekend. Well, at least that’s my goal. I should also be getting my first edits back for my first all new self-pubbed fiction venture. (More about that in a separate post.)

Next up fiction wise will be two Christmas themed stories. One for Big Sky County and one for Kalispell Shifters. Sometimes that’s a tough task when it’s hot and humid!

Next week I’ll be posting an interview with lots of news about three publishers who are actively looking for manuscripts. Hopefully you’re working on something that will be a perfect match for one of them.

Have a wonderful week and happy writing.

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