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Friday Ramblings From An Author-Last One in November

Only two days left of this year’s NaNoWriMo and it looks like I’m going to finish on target. I’m glad I took part because it’s not only made me look at my writing and how I write a little differently, but it’s given me lots of tips to share with the students who will be in the Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo workshop next October.

December will be devoted to editing and reworking everything I wrote during November. In a way, it’s nice to have all the preliminary work out of the way.

Speaking of December, my last release of the year is published on Thursday and it’s the final story in the Love Cowboy Style trilogy. It’s called Christmas With A Cowboy and here’s a look at the cover-

2014 will start with me teaching a new workshop, Are We There Yet? All about knowing when a manuscript is ready to submit and getting it in tip top shape before you hit the send button or slip it into an envelope. And also the release of the sixth book in the Perfect Pairing series.

As usual for this month, this rambling is short so I can go and write.

Happy Writing and Have a Good Weekend.

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