I know I say this every month, but where did the last four weeks go? Seemed only yesterday it was a holiday weekend and I was getting set to teach a workshop. Now, it’s almost October, the workshop’s coming to an end, and the leaves are turning and falling.
Speaking of workshops, I have two new ones beginning next month. On the first is my mini romance writing course, and then kicking off on the 5th, writing the short story. As always, if you know anyone interested in those two topics, have them check out the teaching schedule section of this site.
Keeping on the topic of workshops, this year I decided to retire a few of them. They’ve been popular but haven’t attracted the largest crowd. However, I knew people might still enjoy learning something about these topics so with that in mind, I’ve turned them into a series of e-books called Writing Made Simple. The first one was released today. It’s called Point of View and here’s a look at the cover which I have to say is one of my all time favorites and was created by Melgraphics at Fiverr-
Seems like I’ve been looking at words all week. I finished my second Christmas story and got that to my publisher. I also began work on book two in my new Regency Rakes and Rogues series, did first edits on my next release, Bear of Interest, and uploaded books to more sites. All in all a productive week.
Happy writing to all and have a fun week.