Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Many Projects, Little Time

Welcome to March and it’s almost spring. Or maybe it’s almost fall in your part of the world.

I had every intention of posting more content here this week but I’ve been working on too many projects. Yes, that’s often my downfall. Too many ideas all at once.

I’m still working on turning all my classes into the self paced format. I’m also trying to get my older books ready for translation…more about that coming up. I also have another site I post to and last month I had a Money Mindset Makeover Challenge and I’m now expanding it and turning it into a class. If you’re interested in checking it out it’s

Coming up later this month, I’ll be re-recording some older classes over at Skillshare and I’m taking part in a contributor giveaway. I’ll let you know more about that on launch day as I think you’ll like the product I’m offering in this deal.

And finally, next week, I’m starting on a new novella. I’ve decided to merge two of my series together, Kalispell Shifters and Fantasy LLC. I’m hoping that readers of one series will discover the other one and enjoy the two merging into this new tale.

How about you? What are you working on?

Have a fun weekend and happy writing to all.

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