An earlier than normal Friday Ramblings. The work week isn’t over just yet but I’m going to take a few hours off to watch a World Cup soccer game. After that, it’s back to work.
Thank you to this week’s guest blogger.
I finally got another back title revamped and published. When I say back title, I really mean back, back title. I wrote this one nine, almost, ten years ago. Sometimes it’s strange revisiting older stories. I often wonder if actors feel the same way when they reprise a role?
Here’s the cover (yes, made it myself)
I’ve also decided to make some companion books for my next two non-fiction projects. I’m excited about the prospect of doing something a little different.
And how is the mystery coming along you ask?
I’m ashamed to say…but hey, we’re being honest here, right, that I only looked over the first few pages and that was it. I know it’s the whole I have to get the other projects out of the way first thing going on.
Here’s what I’m thinking about trying. Using the weekends, and just the weekends, to work on the mystery. Anyone else ever tried writing different projects on specific days?
I’d love to hear if that worked for you.
Anyone else struggling with their WIP or having trouble starting it? Share your struggles, your victories with everyone and let’s get these projects finished.
Have a fun week and happy writing to all.