I thought I’d combine with week’s Ramblings with my daily NaNoWriMo post.
It’s day four. I was tempted to write all afternoon but there’s a class I’m putting together for Skillshare and I’m already behind with it so that took priority. And that leads me in to the tip of the day. Some days you’re going to have other things to do and that’s fine. Some days I fall behind but I make a mental note that I need to push myself harder the following day.
As well as my NaNoWriMo book, I’m also revamping a book and working on another book in my Forbidden Shifter series. One thing I do love about this time of the year is the outside chores slowly come to an end and it’s perfect for devoting more time to writing.
Reading too. Anyone put together a winter reading list yet? I have a Prime membership at Amazon and a new feature is more free books so my list is getting longer.
It’s hard to believe only two more months and we ring in a new year. What are your goals for 2017? Feel free to leave a comment and share them with your fellow writers.
Have a fun week and happy writing to all.