Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Not Quite Spring

Spring it seems doesn’t want to put in an appearance this year. Well at least not where I live. We got rid of every last bit of snow in the garden and then back it came and it looks like it’s not leaving anytime soon. I suppose it means more writing done inside than out on the deck.

Another busy week and not just shoveling snow. Yesterday saw the release of my fourth story in the Perfect Pairing series. Last week when I wrote the Friday Ramblings I didn’t have the cover to share with you so here it is-


Right now I’m working on the fifth story and for the first time since I started the series I haven’t even got a working title for it.

I saw an interesting article in the e-newsletter I get from Publisher’s Weekly asking what was the book that made you fall in love with books? I’ve been trying to think but can’t narrow it down.  It probably was one of the Enid Blyton mysteries I read over the summer holidays each year.

Next week I’m taking the e-publishing bootcamp and looking forward to learning more about self publishing. Speaking of which I’m self pubbing the print version of Death Likes Me and will be using Feed A Read again.

Next week sees the release of The One and Only with MuseIt Up Publishing.

Have a good weekend and happy writing.

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