Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-Revisiting Characters

Get outside while you can has become my new slogan. One day sunny and warm, the next three, chilly and overcast/rainy. I think spring’s forgotten to visit this year.  At least it makes you think about making the most of every day!

With the great outdoors not calling my name, I got lots of work done. I made my last three books (the ones I got rights back to), into a trilogy and today uploaded both the e-book and print versions. Here’s the cover-

Big Sky Cowboys Trilogy 2


I also get rights back to another book today so I’ve been reformatting and editing it. It’s the first one in my Kalispell Shifter series. Those characters are some of my favorites and it was fun to be reintroduced to them and spend time in their company. To some of you that might sound strange and to others, well, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Reading older stories takes you on a trip down memory lane. You can almost remember what was going on in your life when you sat down to write it. This story was created over five years ago. A lot has happened since then but it’s nice to know these characters have a place in my past and also in my heart.

Lots of people have been asking about journaling and writing prompts and it’s given me lots of ideas so stay tuned.

In case you didn’t see it the other day, there’s a new sign up form for Thursday guest bloggers. I always offer spots to you at TWL before I post the notice at various writer’s groups so here’s the link again-

And thank you to Meredith for being this week’s guest blogger.

That’s about it for the week. Hope wherever you are in the world it’s better weather.

Have a fun week and happy writing to all.



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