This afternoon I realized just how much I rely on the Internet. I went to check my e-mail after lunch and to my horror saw the message, that I had no Internet connection. Surely it was only a temporary thing but no it was out all afternoon event and almost sheer panic set in. I couldn’t check if I had any e-mails from my editors, or editors I’d pitched ideas to…my students. Oh, no, I’d lost touch with the world. I tried to think back to the days when I didn’t connect with people over the world wide web but did it by phone and snail mail. I concluded I don’t think I can survive every long without it now. It’s given me an addiction to instant communication and gratification. Strange how it isn’t until something’s not there any more that you figure out how much you miss it. At least the power stayed on and I could still use my computer!
One workshop wrapped up today and two more start on Monday. Crafting the Short Story and Writing a Continuing Series. A nice change of pace and my first time teaching the continuing series one in a workshop format.
I’m now 15,000 words into my WIP and hope to finish the first draft by next weekend. I have a new release on Thursday, Bear With Me. I was hoping to share the cover with you but I haven’t received it yet so I’ll do that during the next ramble.
This week I pitched an idea for a story to an editor at one of my publishers. The story wasn’t quite right but together we’ve come up with something I’m excited to start writing.
I have two more publishers lined up for interviews for the new meet the editor feature. Remember if there’s a publication you’d like to know more about e-mail me, leave a comment or connect with me on Twitter.
Have a good week and happy writing.