I looked outside today and noticed leaves on some trees have started to turn from green to orange. Some mornings have been chilly so I won’t be surprised if more join in.
Some think of the New Year as the time for goals and plans, but there’s something about fall that gets me into goal planning mood.
This week, I’m been making a list of goals and must do’s before the year ends. I want to create more classes and maybe even try adding them to new platforms.
Shameless self promotion time…next month, I’m teaching a class about writing a series or trilogy. I’ll also be teaching a boot camp about plotting a novel. Both are offered through the Outreach Chapter of RWA and here’s the link if you or anyone you know might be interested in either (or both), topics-
I got my next back title formatted and edited and it’s ready to go when I get my rights release for it. All that’s left is making the cover.
It’s the last of the Perfect Pairings stories I wrote…five years ago to be precise and it made me think I need to wrote another one. I left the ending hanging…not really a cliffhanger but a hint of what the next story would focus on so I think it’s about time I penned that story! That’s one thing on my fall to do list.
Also, this week, my Novel Writing Blueprint book is now available in Portuguese. Thank you Lilian for all your hard work on the translation.
It’s almost the end of the workweek and I’m going to finish it with another creative pursuit and that’s create my first painting on canvas. I painted some flowers on paper and I’m pleased with the results so now I hope I can repeat the whole thing again.
Finally, thank you Mageela for your inspiring guest blog post this week.
Have a fun week and happy writing to all.
I am super interested in the workshops, are they offered all online as well? Would be interested in learning more if possible?
They’re taught as online workshops. If you follow the link and then scroll down until you see September classes you can read more about them and a link to register. Thank you for your interest and stopping by This Writer’s Life-Susan.