My favorite season begins this weekend. I love the cooler temperatures and watching the leaves change color…hate raking them though! This week I’ve been working on my sixth installment of the Perfect Pairing series. It takes places in Wyoming in December. Sometimes it’s hard to write about cold weather when it’s still warm but I suppose that’s what makes writing so much fun.
One thing I want to focus on this fall is putting more content on this site. Things that are helpful to fellow and aspiring writers. So if anyone has anything they’d like to see, let me know.
Lots of writers say they take a break by walking and I used to do that but then got too busy. However, today I began Nordic walking. I thought I might as well get some outdoor exercise in before I have to switch to the treadmill when it gets too cold.
My next release is October 3rd, the first of my cowboy trilogy and I can’t wait to see the cover…I’ll post it here as soon as I get it.
Have a good weekend and happy writing.