Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-The Final Post of 2020

Another year almost over. Yes, it’s been a strange one for all of us.

I hope you achieved all your goals and if not, like I always say, there’s always tomorrow and now, next year.

I think I got most things on my to do list completed. Well, maybe a few are a little behind schedule.

Just a reminder that I’ll be taking a two week break and will return with Monday Motivation on Jan 5th.

And during the break, I’ll be hopefully and successfully moving the site from to If for any reason Jan 5th rolls around and you aren’t getting posts in your e-mail or seeing anything on the site, let me know at or just use in your search engine. I might even do a test post when things get moved over.

This Writer’s Life grew a lot this year and I couldn’t have done it without my guest bloggers and you. Thank you to everyone who’s been following along since 2010 and thank you to all of you who have continued to follow and recently opted to follow. I have lots planned so spread the word. It’s one of the reasons I’ve moving the site so I can have more flexibility with regards to video and audio content for you.

Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

May all your writing dreams come true in 2021.

Take care and ‘see’ you again in the New Year.

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