Just when I thought I had my January to do list all worked out, I realized I need to be more organized.
I’ve been working on the new format for the short story class and realized I had files here and files there and pulling everything together was making it seem like I was going around in circles. I think I finally have it figured out so next week should be easier.
Speaking of short stories. I’ll be teaching a two hour class on that topic in April so stay tuned for more details.
I also spent some time trying to tweak this new site. Some things I like, some things, well, they have me pulling out my hair. I added a pop-up subscriber form because the other sign up one wasn’t working. I can’t seem to make the new one appear but it seems it does ‘pop up’ if you hit the click button that appears on the lower right hand corner of the site. I’ll still try to tweak it to make it easier to see but in the meantime, if you want to follow all the posts, click that button.
One feature I know I’m going to love is the ability to add videos and audio. In fact, some of my posts are going to switch from print to video and audio.
Yesterday, I made a list of markets I’d like to feature here in the coming months so now it’s just a matter of contacting each one and seeing if they’d be willing to be interviewed or at least share some of the writing guidelines with us.
That’s it for another week.
Have a fun weekend and happy writing to all.