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Friday Ramblings From An Author-Two First Drafts Completed

I put in some extra time this week hoping to get the first draft of my next Writing Genre Fiction title finished, and finally did it today. Now it’s onto the second draft and all going well I should have it ready to load onto the Amazon site by the end of May, maybe even sooner.

I also got the first draft of my WIP completed so I feel like I’ve achieved a lot this week. Today I got the release date for my next installment in my Big Sky County series which will be June 2nd. It’s back in time with another historical. I’m thinking of writing more of those for the series because they’re lots of fun.

I’m midway through the two workshops I’m teaching this month which seems incredible. I’m sure it was just yesterday that all the students were introducing themselves.

This weekend I hope to get caught up with some reading and gardening. Hopefully the weather will stay warm and sunny.

Have a good week and happy writing.

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