Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Friday Ramblings From An Author-What Your Eyes Tell You



Happy Friday everyone.

You know you’ve been working too hard, staring at the computer for too long when weird things start happening to your eyes. That’s what happened to me on Sunday evening and it scared me so much that I went to the eye doctor to get things checked out. It turns out my eyes are fine but it was a wake-up call to step away from the screen…the doctor recommended every 20 minutes or so.  I guess our bodies know best and mine (or at least my eyes), were telling me you need to take a break.

I do have three days before the next workshop starts, which is Creating Great Characters for the Yosemite Chapter of the Romance Writer’s of America. And on the 4th, I’m teaching a step by step guide to writing a romance novel for the Outreach Chapter of the Romance Writers. A few people have asked if these workshops are just for romance writers, and no, they’re not because my lessons are keyed to any type of writing…well, with the exception of the guide to writing a romance novel one. So if you or anyone you know is looking for a class on these topics, all the details on the writing schedule on this site.

Needless to say with the eye issues prevailing, I didn’t get as much done as I’d planned. Next week I hope to add another Skillshare class, continue work with my non-fiction books, and revamp another back title.

Next week on This Writer’s Life I’ll be interviewing the author of a bestselling book on plotting so be sure to check that out on Tuesday. Until then…

Have a fun week and happy writing to all.

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