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Friday Ramblings From An Author-Where is Everyone?



I know it’s holiday season but has anyone else noticed that this week everyone seems to have already left the building?

I belong to more than a few online writing groups and no one’s been posting anything all week. I’ve received half the amount of e-mails I normally do. Even people that usually get back to me ASAP when I e-mail them have gone missing?

Anyone else experienced the same thing this week?

I’m planning to take a break from Dec 21st through January 2nd but I’ll still be posting a Friday Ramblings during that time. Monday will be the last Writing Prompt for the year.

While I remember, my first workshop of 2018 is for the Outreach Chapter of Romance Writers of America. It kicks off on Jan 15th, lasts for 2 weeks and is a synopsis writing boot camp. So if writing a synopsis is on your New Year resolutions list, (and no, it doesn’t have to be for a romance novel), then check out my teaching schedule page on the site for more details.

On the topic of resolutions, what’s on your list? Anything writing related? Mine include finishing my TV pilot and getting my started but yet unfinished mystery completed.

Feel free to share your goals and dreams with the rest of us. And anything you’d like to see on this site in 2018? Is there a topic you’d like to see featured, maybe an interview with a certain author…not promising anything but I’ll see what I can do.

Have a fun week and happy writing to all.

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