Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

How to Be a Fearless Freelance Writer

Have you ever thought about being a freelance writer?

I decided to become one way back in 2000.

I didn’t have any experience or any contacts with publications.

It was scary at first but I ended up making more money than I had in my previous job. Eventually, I got my own columns, was an editor for an online publication and had a handful of regular clients and markets I wrote for.

I’ve been talking about this for a long time…I’ve been working on a workshop to teach others how to become what I call a fearless freelance writer, and last week I finally finished it.

It’s 12 modules full of lessons that include my tips and experiences, what worked and what didn’t. I tell you how to get around the catch 22 that happens to all new freelancers. How to study a market, how to put a pitch together, how to work with an editor, how to understand a contract….and I decided to include a workbook so you can keep track of everything from savings to where you sent your pitch and when.

It’s been a lot of work but I’m proud to see it finally done so it can help others become freelancers.

It’s all self-paced so you can study whenever and where ever you want and you can keep coming back to it throughout the lifespan of your new career.

Here’s the link for more information and a link to buy it

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