Always be on the lookout for new markets…
It’s amazing what you find in your mail. And no, not e-mail, but the old fashioned kind that arrives in your physical mailbox. I’m growing vegetables again this year and ordered some potatoes. What does this have to do with writing you ask? It’s a case in point to always have your writer’s hat on and look for potential markets. Inside the planting guide, I found an advertisement for a magazine I’d never heard of called GreenPrints. I thought I’d share it with you and if you’re a gardener who writes or a writer who gardens this might be for you.
Here the link to their Web site-
Check it out and do some research like I outlined in my Tuesday post.
Remember you always want to read samples and they have them for you here-
And yes, they have writer’s guidelines which you can see here-
Read these through several times. Pay attention to what they’re looking for, the wordcount, what specifically impresses the editor, and also how to submit. Always remember to follow the rules of the guidelines because one, it makes you look like you’re professional, and two, prevents wasting both your time and theirs.
The ad says GreenPrints is a personal garden magazine with the word personal underlined which gives you a clue that they look for and value a real me to you type of story, one that’s packed with personal experience and can make the read smile, cry…well, what every good article should make the reader feel.
Kindle Vella
And you might have already heard that Amazon KDP is launching a new way to publish your stories and that’s Kindle Vella. I’ve been reading lots of articles about it but I think the best one is over at Kindlepreneur so here’s the link for you to check it out-
If you can break a story up into bite sized pieces with cliffhanger endings to each one this might be something to check out. Just remember this is a self publishing venture so you’re on your own. However, being that’s it’s on a smaller scale, it might be the perfect way for you to venture into the world of self-pubbing to see if it’s for you.
Good luck with both of these markets.