No Tuesday guest blogger today so thought as it’s release day, I’d share my new book with you.
It’s the 14th story in my Kalispell Shifters series. It’s been about four years since I wrote the last one. Yes, it’s been long overdue. It picks up immediately after the 13th book in the series ended. First time I’ve done that and it was fun.
It took me longer than I’d anticipated to write it but I changed the plot, twice, and wanted to add some more scenes that would set up book 15, and perhaps a spin off series too.
The title came to be a lot quicker than usual but then I began to wonder if it gives away the main character’s secret she’s doing her best to hide through the first half of the book. It probably does but I do love the title because it sums up this story perfectly.
I’ll probably begin writing book 15 in February and use the story arc that I’ve set up in this book. If you can ever do it, use that to your advantage, even if, like me, it takes you longer to write your current book.
And as for the spin off series…well, I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself but I think it’s going to happen in 2021.
Here’s a look at the cover that I’ve incorporated into the new software I’ve been trying out. It will in fact, be the one I’ll be using over at Selfpublisherpreneur and just one of the many services I’ll be offering self publishers. I like it much better than a plain, flat cover image. What do you think?
Bewitching The Bear is released today and should be available either today or tomorrow at all the platforms such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords.
Hope you’ll check it out.