You’ve heard me mention Skillshare many times and that I teach on that platform.
Next year I plan to upload two classes per month comprising of The Novel Writing Blueprint and The Freelance Writing Blueprint.
They’ll be standalone classes but I think you’ll get more out of the experience if you follow along all year.
By December 2018, it’s my hope that you’ll either be ready to write a novel, perfected your novel, or if you’re taking the freelance writing class, be all set to embark on a new career or at least up your odds of getting an assignment from a magazine.
My aim is to release the classes on the 15th of each month.
If you’re interested in taking them you’ll need to be a member of the Skillshare community (same goes for my other classes that are already on there). Skillshare offers 2 months free so you can give the platform a try to see if you like it. And it’s not only my classes you can take there but everything they have to offer and they have some great ones like graphic design, sketching, photography, computer applications so definitely check it out.
Here’s a link to my classes if you want to check them out and/or sign up.
Would love to see you as a student in one of them or even all of them!