Hi Everyone, I thought I’d share these two links with you…many of you told me you enjoy ideas for potential markets and contests- sThe first one is from Writer Magazine and it’s their essay contest. First prize is $1,000, Second Prize, $500 and Third Place prize is $250. There is a $25 entry fee. Check…
Tag: Chicken Soup for the Soul
Potential Markets for You
Sometimes finding something to write about or creating a new story is the easy part, finding a market for your work is the tough side of the equation. Here are three potential markets for you to check out- Chicken Soup for the Soul This is great market if you’re a beginning writer and it’s Chicken…
Four Writing Opportunities
I just finished going through today’s e-mails and saw four writing opportunities I thought I’d pass onto you- First one is a short story contest at The Writer…also check out their other contests too- https://www.writermag.com/contests/ Second one is over at Chicken Soup for the Soul. They’re looking for stories about angels…this isn’t a fiction market….
Friday Ramblings From An Author-Goodbye July
I know I say it every month, but I can’t believe how fast July has flown by. I hate to think that summer will soon be a memory…although I do love fall too. As one class ends, another one will shortly begin and this time it’s on the same topic. Crafting a short story and/or…
Anthologies-Ideal for Beginning Writers
I’m often asked for suggestions about markets that are more willing to consider new writers. There are a lot out there. Some will pay you a small amount while others will pay in copies. One market area I had a lot of success with was anthologies. In fact, I think being published in four anthologies at the…
Five Markets/Contests for Writers and Authors
I thought I’d go with a different type of post for this one. When I was starting out as both an author and freelance writer I was always looking for markets and contests to enter so I thought I’d share this with you. Here are details of markets and contests I’ve recently been sent information…
Two Possible Writing Gigs
Before I forget to post these, here are two possible writing gigs that might be of interest to you- First one is from The Romance Reviews who are looking for tips about selling more Kindle books. If you’re self-publisher you might have a few good ones to share and here are the details- The Romance Reviews is…
A New Imprint, an Anthology and Site Needing Reviewers
Here are three things I thought I’d share with you. Chicken Soup for the Soul is looking for cat stories for an upcoming anthology. Amazon has a new publishing imprint- https://kindlescout.amazon.com/ And finally, Coffee Time Romance…and they’re not joking when they say they’re a great bunch of people, are looking for volunteer reviewers and interviewers-…
Chicken Soup for the Soul and a Short Story Contest
Check out these if you write essays or short stories Chicken Soup For the Soul is looking for submissions for a couple of books that will have a Christmas theme including Christmas in Canada http://www.chickensoup.com/story-submissions/submit-your-story The Short Story is seeking stories between 1,000-5,000 words. There is an entry fee of 5 pounds which is payable…