Tag: how to get motivated
Monday Motivation-Don’t Give Up
My favorite writing tip is never give up so I thought we’d launch 2020 Monday Motivation with this very appropriate quote. Let this guide you through the decade and beyond…..
Monday Motivation-Resist the Temptation
I’ve had a few aspiring authors tell me they were quitting because they’d figure out they’d never write as well as their favorite bestselling author. My response has always been the same. Go ask them if they were great writers when they started out. I’ve assured them that the answer they’d get is no. In fact, some might…
Monday Motivation-When The Going Gets Tough
It’s easy to write and continue to write when things are going well. The character you created is behaving just how you planned. The plot is writing itself. You sold a story. The true character of a writer comes to light when things aren’t going so well. The plot is going nowhere, your character is…
Monday Motivation-Dream Big
If you’re worried that your story is going to get rejected then it’s never going to get published. Like this quote says, dream big and dare to fail. Write your best story and have the courage to submit it.
Monday Motivation-Keep On Writing
I love this quote because it’s not just true about writing, but all things. Never give up on your dreams.
Monday Motivation-There’s Always Someone Cheering You On
Lots of people keep their goals and dreams a secret. They think if they don’t attain them then people will laugh about it. That’s not always true. Share your dream and goal and you might just find your biggest cheerleader. TWL is here for you. We’re a growing writing community that is here to support…
Monday Motivation-Hang Out With The Right People
Monday Motivation time again. This week I want you to think about your writing peers. Are they helping you write? Helping you get published? Being positive and cheering you on? When I first started writing, I was lucky enough to have my father as my cheerleader. Each time a rejection letter fell into the mailbox,…
Monday Motivation-Start Anywhere, Anytime
Are you wondering where to start your story? I know lots of students tell me they have a story brewing but at a loss as to where to begin. Don’t let that stop you from writing, begin anywhere…any point in your plot. It could be that will actually be your opening scene. It’s happened to…
Monday Motivation-Time Can Be On Your Side
I saw this quote which is applicable to everything we’re trying to achieve but never more so than writing a book. If you really want to write a story, you’ll find someway to squeeze in ten minutes here or there to do it.