We all get the same 24 hours a day. While not everyone can write for hours on end, just about anyone can squeeze in five minutes here, ten minutes there. This week don’t let lack of time be your excuse for not writing.
Tag: inspirational quotes
Monday Motivation-We’re In This Together
I love this quote and what better time to support your fellow writer than during NaNoWriMo. Join a group, be part of a team or get together with another author and use this month to cheer one another one and celebrate your successes together.
Monday Motivation-You Are What You Think
I always say you are what you think (not what others think about you). It works for writing too. Do you think you’re not as good as a bestselling author? Feel that you don’t have a chance to ever be published? Can’t handle self-publishing your own book? This week, choose to have a positive state…
Monday Motivation-You Are The Only Limitation
You’ve heard of the saying about being your own worst enemy and I sometimes think that applies to writing. It’s all too easy to get into your own head, hear those voices of self doubt…the ones that tell you you’re not as good as bestselling author A, don’t write prose like author B, and…
Monday Motivation-Small Steps Lead to Big Gains
You can interrupt this quote by Richard Branson a couple of ways. I like to think that it reminds me that every project starts with small steps. If you’re not willing to put time and effort into those (for example, research for your book, fleshing out your character), then you’ll probably fail at the…
It Only Takes One Yes
This quote reminds me that no matter how many times your story gets rejected, it just takes one editor to say yes and you’re a published author.
Monday Motivation-Keep On Writing
I love this quote because it’s not just true about writing, but all things. Never give up on your dreams.
Monday Motivation-You Can Be a Winner
A winner is a dreamer who never gives up-Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela probably wasn’t specially thinking about writers when he offered this advice. However, I’ve always believed that the only difference between a published writer and unpublished one is the published author never quit writing or dreaming. This week (and every week), think like a…