The last Ramblings of the month. How are your writing goals working out so far this year? It’s a great time to look back at
Tag: new books
Friday Ramblings From An Author-Many Projects, Little Time
Welcome to March and it’s almost spring. Or maybe it’s almost fall in your part of the world. I had every intention of posting more
Tuesday Guest Blogger-Kayelle Allen
Say hello to this week’s guest blogger, Kayelle Allen…. When did you begin writing? I’ve wanted to tell stories since I was old enough to
Tuesday Guest Blogger-Dee Knight
Let’s welcome the last of our March guest bloggers, Dee Knight… When did you begin writing? I wrote my first book, Impatient Passion, in 2002.
Friday Ramblings From An Author-Hello 2020
Seems like forever since I’ve posted anything here. Yes, I know I’m being overly dramatic and it’s only been two weeks. Welcome to the New
Friday Ramblings From An Author-Goodbye July
I know I say it every month, but I can’t believe how fast July has flown by. I hate to think that summer will soon
Friday Ramblings From An Author-My Summer Reading List Update
For the first time in years, I’ve completed my summer reading list and yes, way ahead of schedule. However, I didn’t finish three of the
Friday Ramblings From An Author-Revisiting Characters
Get outside while you can has become my new slogan. One day sunny and warm, the next three, chilly and overcast/rainy. I think spring’s forgotten
Friday Ramblings From An Author-An Amazon First for Me!
February started with cold and snow, and as I write this last Ramblings of the month, looks like it’s going to end that way too.
Friday Ramblings From An Author-Guest Bloggers, New Class Schedule
Hope everyone’s had a productive writing week. I have a few more hours to go before I call it a day. I have lots planned for