I almost forget today is Friday. It’s been one of those weeks that has flown by. I finally got all the lessons and workbook finished
Tag: Valentine’s Day
It’s Valentine’s Day, Let’s Get Emotional
It’s February14th so let’s talk romance books. Despite being the most popular genre, I know they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. In fact, I never
Wednesday Writing Prompts-Love is in the Air
You’ve probably guessed the focus of this week’s writing prompt. The title of your short story should be Love is in the Air. For
Monday Writing Prompts-Love is in the Air
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day so you’ve probably guessed this week’s prompt is all about romance. Your character is about to propose (and yes,
Friday Ramblings From An Author-Almost Valentine’s Day
Has today flown by or what? I’m about to spend a few hours trying to finish my WIP. Next it’s back to a cowboy story
Friday Ramblings From An Author-First Last Friday of the Year
January’s flown by but maybe that’s because I’ve been busy. The January workshops are coming to a close and two new ones begin on Monday.