I hope your NaNoWriMo is going well. I’ve finally finalized the writing classes I’ll be teaching for 2024. I’m trying to offer as much variety as possible. Fiction, nonfiction and also promoting your books. Here’s the list and I’ll be adding more details about each class and links to sign up as we get closer…
Tag: writing a novel
It’s Always Going To Be Something
NaNoWriMo begins on Sunday. Are you taking this year’s challenge? I’ve written lots of articles and posts about the actual writing side of the challenge, but never one on the mindset you need to make it through the 30 days. You know my story. The one where I couldn’t write for close to ten years…
Friday Ramblings From An Author-Snow, Sun…You Name It!
Less than 30 minutes ago, I glanced out of the window and saw snow falling. Not just flakes, but heavy snow and thought about all the leaves that need raking, the umbrella and patio furniture that still need storing away for winter. Panic set in thinking this was it, winter had arrived, but now as…
National Novel Writing Month-Let’s Get Started
Thinking about taking part in this year’s National Novel Writing Month? It’s not even officially fall yet but it’s never too early to start planning. In fact, planning and getting all set up before Nov 1st, I feel is the key to writing 50,000 words in 30 days. Here are some steps to get you…
How to Set a Writing Goal (aka, how to get a book written)
It’s September, the first of the BER months, the last part of the year, for the self employed, it’s the fourth quarter. I’ve never liked using January as my goal setting, start over month. There’s something about it that says pressure. I can’t remember exactly when, but I’m now using September as the start of…
Hi Susan-Chapter Length?
Time for another dip into the e-mail stack of Hi Susan questions. This time it’s from Sharon who asked? I’m a new writer and I’m confused about how long to make each chapter in my story, any tips? I get asked this question a lot so the reason I decided to feature it here….
Virtual Writing Retreat
No guest blogger today so I thought I’d use this opportunity to tell you about the virtual writing retreat that starts June 2nd and runs through August 31st and taught by yours truly. It’s divided into three sections, you can take one, two or all three. I’m hoping as lots of actual writing…
Monday Motivation-Could Have, Should Have
This quote says it all, don’t wait until tomorrow, write today.
Friday Ramblings From An Author-Happy May
Welcome to May. Some people thought April moved along slowly but for me, it flew by. I couldn’t believe that I was already posting a final message to my April students. Plotting Your Novel boot camp kicks off on Monday. We still have some spaces open if you’re interested. We decided to cancel…
Monday Motivation-Do What You Love
I thought we’d step away from generic motivational quotes this week. We all need something upbeat and this one hopefully reminds you to do the things you love, enjoy the things you love…I’m guessing that might be writing.