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Tuesday Guest Blogger- Jan Selbourne

Meet our guest blogger for today, Jan Selbourne

When did you begin writing?

I’ve always had the urge to write but career, marriage, children, put that urge on the backburner. When I retired, it was ‘me’ time to begin writing, but I floundered until a magazine article and my grandfather’s WW1 military records gave me the inspiration and setting.

What’s been your biggest challenge?

I’m a historical fiction author and want to provide an authentic as possible background for my stories. Researching the history of the era can be challenging and time consuming.  However, writing a book is a walk in the park compared to promoting and marketing.  That is a big challenge.

Why did you choose your genre?

History was a favourite subject at school, and I loved historical novels.  When I joined the tide of Australians travelling to the UK for a working holiday, there in front of me was the history I had read about.  I was hooked.

 What writing tips would you like to share?

Research for accurate settings and details, edit often as you write, ask a colleague to read your work as a reader, not as a friend.  Another pair of eyes is invaluable. And, do not give up.

What are you currently working on?

A nineteenth century historical novel set in England and Australia.

What would you like to promote today?

I’d like to promote The Woman Behind the Mirror, published February 2020 by Nomad Authors.


WomanMirror_Cover (1)


Jan Selbourne



2 thoughts on “Tuesday Guest Blogger- Jan Selbourne

  1. Nice interview! I love Jan’s books and can’t wait to read this newest one. Jan, your advice to new writers is perfect!

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