Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Wednesday Guest Author-Anne Hamilton Fowler

It’s Wednesday and time for another guest author. In fact, she’s a return guest author, please welcome back to This Writer’s Life, Anne Hamilton Fowler….

Thank you, Susan for inviting me back to contribute today. For those readers who read my post a few years ago, let me refresh your memory!

I grew up in Toronto and like many of my generation, pursued a career in nursing. It was not for me and I bailed to join American Airlines as a stewardess, known these days as flight attendant. My love of travel did not end when I left that job and I continued to visit countries around the globe throughout my 83 years! However, the bulk of my business career was spent in human resources and for almost thirty years I owned the well-known Toronto personnel agency, Hamilton Enterprises. In 2000, I closed my company and “retired” to pursue philanthropic projects in Honduras where I now spend six months of each year. See my web site:                                                                                        

I have two children, two grandchildren, two grand dogs and outlived two ex-husbands. My very full life has taken me down roads I never expected to travel; some filled with interesting, but risky, adventures. I’ve been accorded unforeseen opportunities both in business and my personal life, blessed with a loving family, supportive friends and the belief that I am following the path that God intended; life is good!!!!                                                                            

Writing a book came late in my life although over my life I had certainly written my share of business proposals/speeches/newspaper articles and even a couple of cookbooks! There were several reasons I finally followed the advice of friends and wrote about my “life’s adventures.” Our programs in Honduras were needing additional funding and so I thought, I’ll write a book and use the profits for my children’s projects. It was a very good course of action for many reasons. Yes, my memoir has sold and provided money for the Honduran work. Plus, I discovered that I REALLY enjoy writing; too bad I didn’t start earlier!                                                                                          

What was the biggest challenge I had in writing about my life?

I had to “put it all out there,” the good, the bad and the ugly!  Read the book, you will understand my hesitation.                                                                                      

The biggest victory in publishing I’ve Worn Many Hats was twofold; one I should have foreseen and the second was a total surprise. Recalling traumatic incidents in my life and putting them on paper made me face unpleasant truths that needed closure. The other positive result came from many very personal reader responses similar to the following…..                                                                                                                                  “The consensus of opinion by our book club members who have been reading “I’ve Worn Many Hats” is that it’s definitely not your average run of the mill memoir!!!  Content spans a wide range including: humor, outrageous behavior, tragedy and redemption. Life experiences are laid out so honestly it was impossible not to identify with some of them. For the first time in many years one of our group shared her experience with rape and its consequences. We strongly recommend that you buy this entertaining book not only for your own enjoyment but to support the author’s work with children in Honduras. Anne Hamilton Fowler is a true inspiration! “

Something I never saw coming was the reaction I would get from victims of trauma and their parents/friends who dealt with the fallout. Although it is now two years since the book was published, I remain in contact with some of these readers. Plus I am hearing from new readers who identify with my story.  

How did I create my characters?

Since this is a memoir and I am writing about my life, I had to remember incidents from my past. Those of you who are of a “certain age” will understand when I say recalling events from 60 years ago was no problem; it was trying to remember what happened last week! So, I scattered pieces of paper and pens throughout the house and when I remembered something/event/story, I wrote it down. Then a few days later I would collect the scraps and enter the information into the appropriate section of my book draft that I had in the laptop!

To purchase I’ve Worn Many Hats and support our work in Honduras, the link is at the top of my web page or simply go to 

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