Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

What’s Happening In 2021?

No guest blogger today. Instead, I thought I’d share with you my plans for This Writer’s Life in 2021.

I have some changes in the works. First one will be switching over from to I’ll be doing that over the holiday break the end of December. Hopefully, it will go smoothly. I have lots of reasons for switching, one being it’s cheaper for me because I can have it hosted with the rest of my sites. Two, I can add the self paced classes and streamline the process of getting the classes to you. I know I have them here on the site already but if you’ve tried to access one, you know the download feature hasn’t been working and I can’t figure out what’s going on. Three, switching will give me more options for plugins for more features I want to share with you. Things like audio and video features.

And as far as content in the new year. Last week I took a look at the stats, trying to figure out what you liked and didn’t like as much. A firm favorite is Motivation Monday, so we’ll keep with that. Wednesday Writing Prompts haven’t been so popular this year but I know some of you love them so instead of having them once a week, at the beginning of each month, I’ll list a bunch of them for you.

Guest bloggers, I’m still not sure if I’ll go with one a week but if you do want to guest blog in 2021 e-mail me and I’ll get you on the schedule.

Friday Ramblings will stay the same as will the Thursday post where I usually focus on some aspect of writing.

One thing I would like to add (and we’ll see how that goes), is market guides. Each week, I’ll feature a different publication or book publisher to see what they’ll looking for and possibly an interview with their editor.

Is there anything you’d like to see? Anything you like to know more about? A publisher or literary agent you’d like to know more about?

Would you like to see more features on freelance writing or is fiction more your thing?

This Writer’s Life has grown a lot this year and I’d like to see that continue. I want to make this a top go to place for writers and authors.

A lot of the growth of the site is because of you and another reason I’d love to have your input.

You can contact me at

Thank you for being part of TWL.

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