Thought I’d give you another glimpse of what’s on my bookshelf…books that I consider keepers for writers.
This time it’s Stein on Writing by Sol Stein.
This is a book I wished I’d had from day one but it came into my possession late in my career…years after I was first published. However, I always say an author should never quit learning and refining their craft so better late than never.
I used to belong to an online book exchange and saw this one and traded in some points to get it.
Despite being in almost perfect condition, I could tell it had been read and loved because its pages are covered with pink underlings and highlights.
It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read on the craft of writing because it’s so down to earth and the concepts presented in a way they’re easy to grasp…even if you’re a beginner writer.
The first section starts with what Stein calls The Essentials, telling us what our job actually is as a writer and then moves on to those first important first sentences and paragraphs. Next section is titled Fiction and there’s everything from characters, plotting, suspense, and the all important show don’t tell. The next section for non-fiction…did I mention this is one of those rare books that’s perfect for all writers? I like the way he shows you how you can use fiction techniques to take any sort of writing up a notch or two. He rounds things off with tips on revising your work and places where you can get help with your writing.
What I love most about this book, is Stein’s easy writing style with that me to you sort of feel, plus it’s packed with examples, and best of all, has a positive tone that yes, you can be a writer. All ingredients that make it one of my keeper books.