Authorship, Publishing, Books and More

Why I Teach, Coach and Mentor



A few months ago a friend asked me why I decided to teach writing workshops and launch a coaching and mentoring service when it obviously cuts into my own writing time.

I didn’t have to think about my response, in the same way, I didn’t think about whether or not I should teach.  Just like my writing, it was something that was in my heart. I felt like it was my calling and I’d kick myself, if, at the end of my days, I hadn’t done it.

My own writing journey was a struggle. Lots of rejections, letters that told me they liked my work but didn’t want to publish my story.  Even the editor who suggested I do anything besides write because I’d never make it in the business. And let’s not forget the snarky remarks from judges of contests I entered, not knowing  that these people weren’t even published themselves. I guess I’m a sucker for punishment so I kept on going, learning more things about writing, and the publishing business until I finally got it right.

I chose to teach, to coach, to mentor because I don’t want others to struggle for years like I did. I like to think I’m here to cut down on other’s learning curves. I have students who thank me for sharing all my knowledge freely with them…isn’t that something every teacher should do? Obviously not, and another reason I’m glad I opted to teach.

I’d love to think that I’m training tomorrow’s bestselling authors. In fact, if you’re one of my coaching students you know I’ve often told you it’s my dream to get at least one of you on the bestseller’s list.

Even if that doesn’t happen, the main reason I teach, coach and mentor is because everyone deserves to see their dream come true. If I can play even a small part in that then I’ll never regret sacrificing my own writing time to teach aspiring authors.


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